(Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
The crunch is on. I’ll be posting my next blog entry from Europe!
It is almost time for my ski trip to Sestriere, Italy. I first wrote about this last September, when the “Via Lattea” ski region was selected as my ski posse’s 2016 destination. Since then, I’ve also figured out where I’m going to spend some time in Europe before going skiing. I’m going to keep that location a secret until I arrive…but I hope to have some spectacular images and experiences to share with you soon. It is another one of my personal bucket list destinations!

While the flights and the accommodations were booked some time ago, I didn’t get around to figuring out my ground transportation until this past weekend. I’m glad I did: while my secret bucket list destination is not terribly far from Sestriere “as the crow flies”, it turns out to be a 7 hour odyssey requiring three different trains, a bus…and maybe an onerous alpine slog with ski equipment and luggage! Fortunately, I should be able to stock up on some fresh and delicious food before my first train leaves in the morning.

I like to plan my transportation in advance; I can always take care of the other stuff upon arrival. However, despite superhuman research efforts, I simply cannot figure out where the bus stop is located in Sestriere. I just hope that, after a day in transit, I don’t have to walk *too* far uphill to get to my hotel.

As I’m quite busy with packing and other things that need to be done before traveling, I’ve decided to keep today’s post relatively short. However, I thought it would be a good time to finally share an interesting article that I stumbled across last year. It’s called “The Science of Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things“.

As anyone who has seen my aging car can attest, I have never felt pressured to have the latest and greatest automobile. This article suggests that investing in travel experiences, rather than upgrading my car every year or ten, isn’t such a bad idea after all!

Today’s photographs are some previously unpublished images from my most recent Italian ski adventure: a glorious week in Cortina d’Ampezzo two years ago. The original posts from Cortina can be found here, here and here. I can’t wait to hit the slopes again!