You may recognize the above photo…it’s the very same cover photo that I used on my very first blog post exactly five years ago! It was taken at Goðafoss in northern Iceland during the summer of 2008.
It’s hard to believe that five years (and 318 posts) have passed since I started this blog…and even harder to believe that it’s been 11 years since I was at Goðafoss!
Today’s post is not very long, nor are there any other pictures, because I think it would be more fun to jump into the archived posts at random. Pick a month on the left side of the screen, and see where you end up! You could also do a search (top left of each blog page) on a random word, and click on the first search result that appears.
Or, if you want a bit more direction, check out this “referral” post from 2017: it lists some of the places I had visited up to that point and provides links to them.
Going forward: it’s almost time to go skiing! This post shows where we went last year…stay tuned for a series of posts from my mysterious new ski destination!
The beginning of the year is always a time to reflect on past trips and think about the ones to come. Looking back to the beginning of 2018, I had some summer destinations in mind but nothing concrete (click here for the surprising resolution in early February of 2018).
View of Regenboldshorn, from Metschstand (Lenk/Adelboden, Switzerland)
The ski posse is getting a little tired by this point…we ended up skiing a total of 71 km that day! (Lenk, Switzerland)
But you probably already know all about those trips. What’s in store for 2019?
Bayeux’s Cathedral at 11:00 p.m. (France)
For me, it looks like 2019 is going to be a year of sports travel. In less than a month, I will be skiing for a week in a completely new (for me) ski region. It definitely falls into that “how come I never went here before?” category: like London (U.K.), I somehow managed to avoid this part of the world for a very long time. The big reveal is coming up in a few weeks!
Lots of choices, high above Lenk and Adelboden (Switzerland)
As for my traditional summer trip…it’s all up to the sporting gods. I’ll be entering a number of competitions this year and I’ll just have to see how they all work out. I don’t even know where most of these events will take place: I just know roughly when they will occur. They could be local, somewhere in the province of Ontario, somewhere in Canada, or even international!
Precariously leaning house in Rouen (France)
So far, my experience with sports travel has been excellent. Of course, skiing is always a great experience. However, that is purely recreational and it is not all that difficult to stumble upon alpine highlights. In contrast, participating in competitions brings you into contact with people and places that you would never see as a “regular” tourist.
Vitré (France)
My 2014 hockey tour of Eastern Europe was predictably unforgettable. But I also participated in a provincial championship in another sport in Sarnia, Ontario, last summer…and had a great time, even though I had never thought of visiting there as a “regular” tourist. You just never know!
The Arc de Triomphe, overlooking l’avenue des Champs-Élysées (right before France’s victory parade for winning the 2018 World Cup!)
And if things don’t go too well on the competitive front this summer, I will probably have some vacation time left over in the fall. That’s a great time of year to have some leftover vacation days! As readers of this blog know, last-minute trips are often the very best kind.
Competing in the Novice Singles playoffs at the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association provincial championships in Ottawa, Ontario (September 2018)
Whatever happens, 2019 promises to be a very interesting travel year.
My previous post focused on the ancient sites of Orkney. However, Orkney wasn’t just a big deal 5000 years ago. It continued to be an important place for a very long time…so important that the Vikings controlled it for hundreds of years and left more than a trace of their culture.
Kirkwall’s St. Magnus Cathedral (founded in memory of Magnus Erlendsson)
The Viking presence is felt most in the “capital” of Kirkwall. It’s the largest “city”, but still is home to only about 9,200 people. For a city of that size, it certainly has its share of disproportionately large buildings. The most epic is St. Magnus Cathedral, which is built from red and yellow sandstone and dates back to the year 1137. It’s very dark and drafty inside, with plenty of morbid gravestones (featuring lots of skulls, crossbones, and hourglasses) to remind us of our mortality.
Me “inside” the Earl’s Chambers, at the Earl’s Palace (Kirkwall, Orkney)
Right beside St. Magnus Cathedral are the ruins of the Earl’s Palace and the Bishop’s Palace. The Bishop’s Palace was built in the 12th century to house the bishop of the Norwegian Catholic Church. The Earl’s Palace was built in 1607, because the then-Earl of Orkney thought that the Bishop’s Palace was inadequate for his needs.
The “Interior” of the Bishop’s Palace in Kirkwall, Orkney
In a bizarre example of foreshadowing, I was intrigued enough by the bowling green behind the Earl’s Palace to take a picture of it (it’s the one at the very top of this post). Little did I know that, 15 years later, lawn bowling would actually become part of my life. Any future trip to Scotland will definitely include a bowling green visit – what an atmospheric place to play!
Goofing around on the Bishop’s Palace Tower (Kirkwall, Orkney)
The “second city” of Orkney is Stromness, with a population of just 2,200 people. However, it was worth a visit because one of my wife’s ancestors sailed from here hundreds of years ago en route to a new life in Canada with the Hudson’s Bay Company. We found the well where such sailors took on fresh water before heading across the sea. In addition to the Hudson’s Bay Company ships, Captain Cook’s vessels and John Franklin’s ships (in search of the fabled Northwest Passage) also took on water here.
The harbour in Stromness, Orkney
While in Orkney, we also took the opportunity to visit one of the more sparsely populated (relatively speaking) islands. Shapinsay is home to only 300 people and is about a 25-minute ferry ride from the Orkney “Mainland”. There isn’t much for the restless tourist on quiet Shapinsay, which is known primarily for agriculture and birds, but there is a spectacular castle (Balfour Castle) that is now run as a hotel.
Balfour Castle – on the island of Shapinsay, Orkney
Other sights in Orkney include the Highland Park Distillery, which is the northernmost whisky (as the Scots spell it) distillery in the world. We didn’t go on the tour, as it seemed rather expensive at the time. Alas, we didn’t realize that Highland Park is actually a very special whisky; apparently, it is the only whisky to ever receive a rating of 100% from the tasting team at The Scotsman newspaper.
Orkney is a small and remote place, but it far exceeded our expectations. It’s yet another place that we’d love to visit again!
One of our favourite trips was our 2002 journey to Scotland…especially if you ignore my severe allergy attack in Inverness and the food poisoning I suffered in Glasgow! We loved the regal city of Edinburgh, but the most enjoyable part of our trip was our 5-day stay in Orkney, off the remote northern coast of Scotland.
Boarding the Pentland Venture at John O’Groats, Scotland…on our way to Orkney!
Orkney is fascinating. It is largely treeless and it also has a rich Viking history. But our favourite parts were the ancient (many of them older than the Pyramids!) structures at sites such as Skara Brae, Maeshowe, and Broch of Gurness. To say nothing of the various standing stones…in terms of atmosphere and access, these put Stonehenge to shame!
The 5000-year-old chambered burial tomb of Maeshowe
The Maeshowe burial tomb was not just a mound…you could go inside and look at runic graffiti (30 examples, written by Vikings nearly 1000 years ago)! The tomb was already 4000 years old by then. The tomb was also precisely constructed for light to shine in on the winter solstice each year.
Beside one of the standing stones at the Ring of Brodgar
If you’ve ever wondered what is so fascinating about standing stones…stand next to one! They are huge. Trying to figure out details such as “why” and “how” could occupy you for an entire lifetime. There are 27 stones still standing at the Ring of Brodgar, a circular Neolithic “henge” very close to Maeshowe on a windswept plain. Only 1 km away, the Standing Stones of Stenness are also impressive, with one of the stones reaching a height of 18 feet.
Centre Chamber of the Broch of Gurness
The number of ancient sites on Orkney’s “Mainland” is almost overwhelming. The Broch of Gurness would be a major attraction all on its own, but it is just one of many on this compact island. This Iron Age settlement dates from “only” about 500 B.C. See the photo at the top of this post for more of the Broch of Gurness.
Climbing above and around the Neolithic village of Skara Brae
Also found on Orkney’s “Mainland” is Skara Brae, the most complete Neolithic village in Europe. Although constructed 5000 years ago, it was unknown for millennia until a severe storm in 1850 ripped away the soil and exposed a series of stone buildings without roofs. You can now wander around, and look down on, the homes which have miraculously survived all these years. In some cases, there are even stone “furnishings”.
One of the homes at Skara Brae – this is how we lived 5000 years ago
Stay tuned for further pictures and stories from Orkney (and Scotland). There is plenty more to share! While I highly recommend visiting Orkney, you should be aware that it is not the warmest destination. The pictures in this post were all taken in the middle of the summer: we needed a jacket every day. Given Orkney’s location in the North Sea, and the lack of trees, it can also be very windy.
I recently reviewed my site traffic and discovered something very interesting about my posts. For the past three years, the most popular ones have been a series of posts I wrote in 2015 on the remote French islands of St. Pierre & Miquelon. The traffic on those posts is remarkable – it far surpasses anything else I’ve written.
A large crowd remains after the fireworks (and the arrival of fog) at the Bastille Day celebrations
I think this is mostly attributable to visitor numbers: millions of people visit places like Switzerland and Italy, but the visitor numbers to St. Pierre & Miquelon are considerably lower. The tourist season is also quite short, with relatively few visitors outside the May to September high season. And, of course, with fewer visitors, there are fewer bloggers. It also didn’t hurt that a St. Pierre & Miquelon discussion group posted a link to one of my articles!
Zazpiak Bat: the local Basque pelota court in the centre of St. Pierre
The most popular individual post, by a considerable margin, is my report on Bastille Day 2015 in St. Pierre & Miquelon. Which leads me to a discussion of Bastille Day 2018…because we will once again be in France! As I mentioned a couple of months ago, I found a great summer airfare to Paris for the two of us. At the time, I was still a little unsure of what our itinerary would be for that trip. However, in the meantime, the picture has become considerably clearer.
Red-shirted volunteers distribute the vin d’honneur (and local cold cuts) on Bastille Day in St. Pierre
Lithuania and Latvia remain on hold. Instead, I have booked accommodations in a number of towns in Normandy and Brittany. We will be travelling by train and staying in small and characterful local hotels. And we will be spending this Bastille Day (a.k.a. le 14 juillet) in an ancient Brittany town called Vitré! I didn’t know anything about it until I started researching this trip, but a number of sources (including the Michelin Guide) rank it quite highly. It looks like a great place to spend France’s national day.
Reims supporters show their colours
Having booked the accommodation, my main task now is continuing to work on my French language skills. For the past month, I’ve been spending at least 30 minutes each day on on-line French courses. Reading French is not a problem but I need to work on the other elements of speaking, listening, and writing. However, with a goal in mind, developing language skills is much more enjoyable!
Post-tour tasting at Vranken-Pommery champagne house (Reims, France)
To celebrate our upcoming trip to France, I’ve included some of my favourite pictures from St. Pierre & Miquelon and my 2014 trip to Reims, France. In the meantime, stay tuned for some general posts about travel and a focus on some local destinations!
The 2018 Winter Olympics are now underway. This has reminded me of one of my greatest travel experiences ever: carrying the Olympic flame through the town of Morrisburg, as part of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics torch relay.
The Olympic Bus dropped me off at my designated stop…
It was a tremendous honour to be selected as a torchbearer for the 2010 Winter Olympics. I wasn’t at all bothered that I was assigned to run a segment in Morrisburg, located about 140 km east of my hometown of Kingston, Ontario. This would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…I would have travelled anywhere to make it happen!
It takes a lot of support vehicles to accompany the Olympic flame!
There were four of us carrying the flame through Morrisburg on that gray overcast day in December of 2009. They told us to savour the moment and not run too quickly. I settled on a slow jog…I wanted to RUN with the flame, but I also wanted the moment to last.
Exchanging high fives with some of the Olympic Cheerleaders, as the flame nears
It all happened so fast. Before I knew it, the Olympic flame was approaching. With a roaring crowd, the flame was passed to me and I high-fived the previous runner. If you’ve ever doubted the inspirational power of a noisy crowd, try running with the Olympic flame. There is no effort required: you just float!
Receiving the Olympic flame in Morrisburg!
I tried to slow my pace, but it was very difficult. I remember waving at everybody and having a giant grin on my face for the few minutes that I had the flame.
And I’m off!
It was over so quickly. I didn’t do any special training for the run (just my usual hockey and curling) but it turned out to be totally unnecessary. The adrenaline jolt was immense and I could have run forever. I high-fived the next torchbearer after passing on the flame and my grin remained in place for days afterwards.
Heading down Ottawa Street in Morrisburg
That night, the last stop of the Olympic relay was in Kingston and I attended the associated festivities in the market square. As I wore my baggy and desperately unfashionable torchbearer uniform, I became a temporary celebrity and appeared in what felt like thousands of pictures with complete strangers. I met a 1956 Olympian but also many others who were thrilled just to say hello to somebody who had briefly carried the flame.
Me and my bodyguards!
While I slept reasonably well the night before, I couldn’t sleep at all after running with the flame. In fact, I don’t think I slept more than three hours per night for about the next week. Yes, it was that much of a buzz!
I’m clearly on a bit of a high after my run!
This proved that you don’t need to travel far to have an unforgettable experience. And “experience” is the key word: travel is so much better when you are “doing” rather than just “seeing”. Even though it is only 90 minutes away, I can honestly say that Morrisburg will always be one of my favourite travel destinations!
Next stop: Switzerland!
[Many thanks to my wife and my former colleagues at Empire Life, who took the photos in today’s post]
My last post discussed the strategy involved in finding good airfares during the very expensive summer season. I hadn’t bought our tickets yet but was on “high alert” for short-lived deals. Much to my surprise, our tickets to an unexpected destination have now been bought! Here’s the story…
The harbour in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Although we have an almost endless list of potential destinations, our preferred destination was Lithuania. Lithuania is a slightly-off-the-radar destination in Eastern Europe that nonetheless appeared to be very rewarding. However, one drawback of an off-the-beaten-path destination is the lack of competition between airlines. By the time of my last post, I had already decided that the only reasonable airfares would be to nearby Warsaw (Poland), or Riga (Latvia).
The steep backstreets of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
The airfares to Vilnius (Lithuania) were generally well in excess of C$1,500.00 unless we wanted to take a very indirect route. However, even the airfares to Warsaw were not dipping much below C$1,300.00. We then expanded our search to places like Berlin (Germany) and Stockholm (Sweden), which would then be combined with a overnight ferry to either Latvia or Lithuania. These prices were a bit lower but there still was nothing under C$1,000.00.
Entrance to the Citadel: Halifax, Nova Scotia
And then, just when things were appearing bleak, my strategy of subscribing to various travel mailing lists paid huge dividends. I was notified that WestJet was introducing a new summer service from Canada to Paris. They were offering special promotional fares for a very limited time. We had to make a quick decision…and when the prices are that low for a summer flight to Europe, the decision is easy. We managed to get return tickets from Montreal to Paris for less than $600 each (inclusive of fees and taxes)! This is ridiculously low for the first half of July.
A small summer cottage in Chester, Nova Scotia
I know what you’re thinking: Paris is not anywhere near Lithuania. But there were a few ways to justify this. Firstly, if we still wanted to see Lithuania, an internal European flight from Paris to Vilnius or Riga would be relatively affordable. Secondly, we both previously have expressed interest in seeing parts of France that are close to Paris: my wife has always wanted to see Normandy, while I have always wanted to see Brittany. Finally, although I had visited Paris as a 10-year-old, neither one of us had been to Paris as adults (other than changing flights in Paris).
Unplanned photo in Pugwash, Nova Scotia
The more we researched northern France, the more attractive it became. So while our summer itinerary is not yet completely settled, I suspect that this will indeed turn out to be a tour of France’s northern coast. And, as Paris can get crowded in the summer, we have already booked our hotel there for the last few days of our trip.
The beach at Pugwash, Nova Scotia
While Lithuania looks like it is on the back burner for now, we are still thrilled about this unexpected twist. In fact, given how much we learned about Lithuania (and Namibia, our original destination), it’s like we are getting three trips for the price of one. That’s one of the reasons why I’m describing this unexpected turn of events as “La victoire“! And we’ll still make it to Lithuania and Namibia in the future.
To further commemorate the near-randomness of our summer trip, I’ve included some photos from our 2009 summer trip to Nova Scotia.
I thought that I would be announcing our summer destination in today’s post. However, I still have not booked the flights…and until those flights are booked, it would be premature to say anything. The big reveal of our “off-the-beaten-path” destination will have to wait!
Penguin at the New England Aquarium (Boston, Massachusetts)
Finding a good deal on intercontinental summer flights is an extremely challenging task. It’s high season and the airlines aren’t crazy: prices are significantly higher and any special deals are extremely short-lived.
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz House, at Radcliffe College (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
For a long time, the accepted wisdom was that the best deals could be had at the last minute. However, as technology has improved, airlines have become much better at filling flights and extracting maximum revenue from passengers. Simply put, any seats still empty at the last minute will probably be priced very high because there will always be someone desperate enough to buy them.
A happy penguin couple at the New England Aquarium
Alas, booking far ahead of time is not effective either: prices are usually very high because anybody booking 6-12 months ahead of time is obviously committed to the destination and the time of year. The trick is to find the “sweet spot”, when airlines identify relatively undersold dates and destinations…and briefly reduce prices enough so that those flights get closer to full and much higher prices can be charged for the remaining seats.
The Massachusetts State House in Boston – we went on a tour here
There are some OK deals out there now. However, they are not for our preferred destination. They also tend to be for flights with sleepy arrival/departure times, longer layovers, older cabins, and less comfortable seats. This is our fallback position, as these deals tend to be available for longer periods of time.
Many creatures are motivated by food (New England Aquarium in Boston)
Sometime in the next few weeks, about 5 months prior to departure, there will probably be a good deal for a good itinerary with a good airline. The window of opportunity will be very small and we will have to take advantage of it immediately. While one could say it’s a lot of pressure, it’s also very exciting. Some people like finding a good deal at flea markets…I like finding a good deal on travel. Keeping our travel costs down enables us to travel as much as we do.
Underwater at the New England Aquarium (Boston, Massachusetts)
Of course, I don’t have any pictures of “the science of airfares”. Instead, I’ve decided to include some pictures of our 2011 trip to Boston, Massachusetts: something completely random, to reflect the fact that we still don’t know exactly where we will end up this summer.
You can’t have too many pictures of penguins!
Stay tuned, to see if we conquered the science of airfares!
As the countdown continues for my upcoming Swiss ski trip, I have found some more interesting materials in the archives. This time, the pictures are from my visits to the remote Swiss town of Scuol in the winters of 2004 and 2006.
The narrow streets of downtown Scuol (2004)
There is something to be said for letting one’s destination be a bit of a mystery. I didn’t know anything about Scuol (pronounced “Shkwoal”) when I arrived there in March of 2004 for a Swiss Abroad ski camp. It’s certainly not a place that I would ever have selected on my own: the ski area does not have an international reputation.
Taking a break on the slopes of Motta Naluns (Scuol, 2004)
But what a pleasant surprise! Instead of being an international resort where English was commonplace, Scuol was located deep in the Rumantsch-speaking region of Switzerland’s Graubünden canton. With its narrow streets, unusual architecture, and highly distinctive regional cuisine, it was unlike any other winter resort I had previously visited. And it was literally at the “end of the line”: the train could go no further.
Traditional ways in the village of Sent (2006)
As you can see from the photos, the lack of international visitors is no reflection on the skiing: one of the pistes (the “Traumpiste”, or “Dream Slope”) continued for more than 10 km from the top of the resort to the nearby village of Sent. The ski area’s vertical drop was in excess of 5000 feet. And yet, we rarely encountered any other skiers: everybody you see pictured on the slopes is part of the ski camp.
Getting ready for another long piste at the top of the resort (Scuol, 2006)
I enjoyed Scuol so much that I returned to the region with my wife in the summer of 2006 and celebrated the Swiss National Day in the village of Sent. I hope to write about our summer visit in a future post.
I’m enjoying the slopes high above the treeline (Scuol, 2006)
It is always a pleasure to discover a place like Scuol that has avoided mass international recognition. This is what we’re hoping for in the summer of 2018. We usually plan these summer trips well in advance and, several months ago, thought that we had found a great destination in southern Africa. We even bought a guidebook and had blocked off the provisional dates off in our calendar. As far as we were concerned, it was just a question of booking the flights when the airfares hit the “sweet spot”.
Near our hostel in the old part of Scuol (2004)
However, travel does not take place in a bubble. Due to a number of external factors, including the political uncertainty in nearby Zimbabwe, we reluctantly decided to put this destination on hold. The timing just wasn’t right.
Ready for some skicross shenanigans (Scuol, 2006)
As a result, the search for our summer destination is once again underway. Looking at the pictures of Scuol, my desire to go somewhere off the beaten path was affirmed: not only are such places fun, but they are also highly advisable during the summer when prices and crowds are onerous in high-profile destinations. I’m watching the airfares closely and will pounce on the next opportunity. Stay tuned for the details!
Although I have been to Switzerland a total of 20 times, I have not been there since starting this blog in early 2014. My only Swiss posts have been travel flashbacks to earlier trips. Happily, that is going to change in early 2018, as I will be returning to Switzerland for an extended ski safari.
Some of my friends having lunch outdoors, at the 1992-1993 Swiss Abroad ski camp in Splügen, Switzerland
Switzerland is an expensive destination and simple economics dictated that I ski elsewhere for the past several winters. However, I have found a way to make this work and will be skiing in both Wengen and Lenk this winter.
Me, halfway down the “Black Rock” piste above Wengen, Switzerland in 2002
Why Wengen? You may have heard of it as a stop on the World Cup ski circuit: the famous Lauberhorn piste is a real test of both daring and endurance. However, I chose Wengen this year because of the great experiences I had in the Grindelwald-Wengen-Murren region (a.k.a. “Jungfrau Ski Region”) between 1999 and 2011 with the ski camps for the Swiss Abroad.
Having lunch outside in the sun: the “Tipi” at Kleine Scheidegg, Switzerland (March 12, 1999)
The Organization for the Swiss Abroad (“Auslandschweizer-Organisation”, or “ASO” for short) organizes ski camps every year for Swiss citizens who are living abroad. I attended many of these camps and met lots of people who continue to be great friends. In fact, my current ski posse arose from the ASO camps. Some of us have been skiing together for 20 years!
Skiing by torch light down to Grindelwald (March 13, 2000)
The ASO camps feature a LOT of skiing, in addition to other sports and cultural activities. It’s a great way to connect with one’s Swiss roots…and become a much better skier. The camps tend to move around each year: I attended camps in resorts such as Splügen, Scuol, Arosa, and Grächen. However, I attended at least five such camps in Grindelwald and Wengen.
Me, in front of the Jungfrau (March 9, 1999)
This winter, I will have the opportunity to take up-to-date photos of the riotous scenery around Wengen. I will also be playing the role of guide: with all that experience, it will be a pleasure to show one of my Canadian friends some of the many highlights of these iconic mountains.
Part of my group, preparing to ski down the James Bond 007 piste from the Schilthorn to Mürren (March 11, 1999)
And the highlights are many. There is the brilliant chocolate cake at Wengernalp. There is the black-rated “007” ski run from the top of the Schilthorn (and its rotating restaurant), made famous by James Bond in “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”. The black-rated pistes called “Oh God” and “Black Rock” that lead down from Eigergletscher also offer unforgettable challenges…partly because the scenery is so distracting! Above Grindelwald, you can watch an Alpine Ibex watching you from an impossibly high and inaccessible peak.
Avalanche! The Wetterhorn, above Grindelwald, on March 13, 2000
It goes on and on. There is the astonishing 2km sheer vertical rock face of the Eiger, which rises to a height of 3,967m: I can think of no more intimidating mountain in the world. To me, it is even more impressive than the adjacent Jungfrau, which rises even higher to 4,168m (13,675 feet). There is the car-free village of Wengen, perched on top of a cliff that plunges down 500 metres to the valley below. There is the “Tipi” at Kleine Scheidegg, where I have eaten many a sun-dappled picnic lunch outdoors…but where I am determined to have one of the freshly cooked pizzas and sausages.
About to ski down “Oh God”: March 15, 2000 (Wengen, Switzerland)
Pausing halfway down the “Oh God” piste, above Wengen (March 15, 2000)
I am really looking forward to revisiting some of these past highlights, as well as discovering new ones. To accompany today’s post, I’ve unearthed some archival photos of my Swiss Abroad ski camp experiences from 1992 to 2002.
Looking for Ibex, high above Grindelwald in the “First” ski area (2002)
Stay tuned for more on Swiss skiing…and on my evolving plans for the rest of 2018!